Advertised as There will be only one first gig!!! Dave Nettleton and Kelly Brammer played out their first live gig to at an appreciative and packed Lord Combermere last night.
Following on from last week's preview with the Duffey Boys, they launched into their first gig with the professionalism you only get from seasoned performers.
The duo has certainly blended their individual styles to create their distinctive sound of acoustic folk, adding a whole new dimension to some cleverly selected covers in the set. Add some originality to it and Dave & Kel really have taken the genre forward... and they are still looking for a name – suggestions please!
The Lord 'C' had one of those nights reminiscent of the early Thursday music nights the Audlem crowd had come to expect – lively and busy and great music! The new licensees, Jo and Allan, have really captured the essence of the pub whilst adding their own ingredients to the Lord C ambiance.
Great night, look out for more.
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