Knowing how eagerly readers await statistics showing AudlemOnline's progress, we could not resist a New Year's update.
In the whole of 2012, a total of 438,780 readers (or 1,198 a day) clicked on, compared with 328,762 (or exactly 900 a day) in 2011.
This represents an increase of 33% year on year – and that's after allowing for the extra day in 2012, a Leap Year.
We hope we can retain that momentum in the New Year with our new-look design. Readership has held up very well – there is often a dip as readers get used to a new design – since the new look was introduced early last month. Yesterday's readership, for example, was 1,531, a high figure for a Bank Holiday.
We will be bringing you news every day (we hope) and welcome contributions from you, the reader, with news updates, suggestions, Chatbox posts, photographs and emails. The majority of news stories are now sent in by readers which is exactly what the webteam wants to see. It is, after all, somewhat exhausting making up the news ourselves – although it can be fun!
We also plan to ensure all our Businesses/ Societies/ Community pages are as up to date as possible and will try to bring you even more news about local businesses and what they have to offer residents and visitors. It was, after all, an objective from Day One of AudlemOnline in 2005 to support local businesses and organisations as much as possible.
Our thanks for your continued support and interest. We wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year.
This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.
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