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First Responders are unpaid volunteers

29th August 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Mike Hill, the Audlem councillor who is battling to improve the ambulance service for Audlem and get proper training for the new Audlem Community First Responder group, tells Audlem Online a number of local people spoke to him after they had read this week's interview with him in the Chronicle. The article featured the letter he had written to John Burnside (see Audlem Online on 13th August).

Mike says it appears some residents think the First Responders will be paid for their work and that the NHS is funding the scheme. This is not the case. The volunteers are simply that, they have volunteered to provide a community service but receive no pay whatsover. All the NHS provide is the training and petrol costs.

Mike also points out that the First Response vehicle, insurance and other associated motoring costs, apart from fuel, are being funded out of sponsorship and donations. These costs range from the road fund licence, MOT and maintenance. The vehicle will be for the sole use of the Community Responders in their role in the local community.

Mike is looking for any businesses or individuals that may like to help with this funding. For more information, please contact Mike Hill on 01270 811843 or Audlem Online will forward any details you send to the webteam on to Mike.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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