(We understand there is a problem with the Jinja Bakes telephone landline so are repeating our earlier story with a mobile phone number added.)
For lovers of cakes and goodies, Doorstep cakes is simply a service provided by Jinja Bakes -fresh home-made cakes, beautifully wrapped: 'brown paper packages tied up with string'...delivered to your doorstep, with Peace, Love and Happiness.
So glad all you Doorsteppers are enjoying the weekend with freshly made cakes.
We have a new cake to share with you ...especially for all you chocoholics out there.
Chocolate Chip Drizzle
An extremely delicious light, moist chocolate loaf with milk chocolate chips and white chocolate drizzled on the top really yummy.
Prices: Large 2lbis £6 Small 1lb is £3.50
Luscious Lemon Drizzle
This week by popular demand is the return of much loved Luscious Lemon Drizzle. Really Made with unwaxed lemons for a real lemony flavour, with a crunchy, sugary top. It's light, moist and oh so drizzly!
Prices:Lemon Drizzle:- Large 2lb £7. Small 1lb is £4
Sticky Ginger cake
Made with stem ginger and is dark, sexy and warms the cockles of your heart! Just right for now especially if you are suffering from the dreaded coughs and colds.
Prices: Large 2lb £8. Small 1lb £5
Available cakes come in either a Large 2lb loaf tin – (approx 22x12 cm) or a Small 1lb loaf tin (approx 20x10cm.)
They are freshly made, really yummy and last a week if stored in an air tight tin. I will of course deliver Free if you are based in Audlem area on a Friday, all ready for the weekend.
Call me on 07795 387766 (not 01270 812488 this week as fault with landline) asap to place your order before Wednesday by 1.00pm
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