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Difficulty getting to Leighton Hospital

8th October 2020 @ 6:06am – by John Tilling
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leighton hospital crewe

A530 (Middlewich Road) closed

Your editor was surprised to find, when going to Leighton Hospital today for a regular eye check-up, that the main Middlewich Road (A530) is closed (and apparently has been for some time). The closure is between the roundabout past the Rising Sun and the Pym's Lane junction.

Not only that but no sensible diversion was sign-posted, and certainly nothing to get to Leighton Hospital.

The best alternative (other than knowing a clever rat-run through the Bentley estate to come out on Pym's Lane by the recycling centre) is to come from Audlem via Shavington into the middle of Crewe (past the football stadium), down Mill Street, right at the roundabout and past Sainsbury's and then turn right under the bridge at the bottom. A mile up this road turn left and then straight on at the roundabout to the Hospital.

In other than rush-hour times it's probably a quicker route anyway than going round the Nantwich bypass and the A530 – it certainly would have been today.

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