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Demonstration March against Cheshire East's Proposed Car Park Charges

24th October 2023 @ 6:06am – by Stop Audlem Car Park Charges
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Demonstration March against Cheshire East’s Proposed Car Park Charges on Saturday November 4th at 11.00 am.

This is Audlem. We are determined to defend the rights of our free village car park. We need all of you, men, women and children to join our demonstration march.

We need to get the message across to those who need to hear it, and the more of you who join our march will add to the success and support for this serious issue and show Cheshire East we are not a village to be messed with!

Our demonstration march will commence on Saturday 4th November at 11.00 am. We will gather together at the end of Tollgate Drive, chosen because together with Windmill Drive, Cheshire East plan to paint yellow lines there, restricting our parking even more.

We will have plumed horses pulling a funeral carriage, which, along with several Grim Reaper outfits, will symbolise the death of our village should the planned car park charges go ahead.

We have placards at the ready, fancy dress may be worn, themed or not, children in fairy/ super hero costumes are just as welcome, and if you would like to make your own hand made banners, so much the better!

As the sombre notes of our Church clock strike eleven, a fitting tribute methinks, Brian Bugeja, who has organised our group will give us an opening statement and then we will slowly commence walking behind the horses along the centre of the road down towards the monument and onwards up to our Free Car Park where we will remain for a few minutes before retracing our steps back to Tollgate Drive, where Brian will once again thank you all for coming and reiterate the purpose of the march.

If any of you feel unable to complete all of the walk, you are welcome to join us for as much as you can manage, and we would be very happy to see other village members lining the route, waving their own banners!

The police have been informed as we realise we may be holding up the traffic, and we are hoping for some media attention to promote our cause. If anyone who reads this has any media contacts, please let us know by contacting

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