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Concerns at Buerton PC meeting

16th August 2012 @ 7:07am – by John Kemble, clerk to Buerton PC
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At the Buerton Parish Council meeting on Tuesday evening, parishioners raised queries with regard to the planning application by Markden Homes for the development of 9 affordable homes at Redacres Farm.

After discussion, it was agreed that whilst the application had taken into account a lot of the concerns previously raised, there were still some important aspects that need to be addressed:

1. Access to the field at the rear of the site by the 'private drive' is very restricted and cannot give proper access for agricultural equipment

2. Access for agricultural equipment would be difficult and dangerous with parked cars and children playing.

3. There is no effective bus service for working families through Buerton and therefore each property would need parking for two cars which would mean cars parked on the roadway and extra traffic through the village.

4. No details of surface water, storm water or foul water are indicated in the application.

Great concern has been expressed by the residents of Windmill Close, as the natural drainage is down to the Close and flooded drains are a common problem in wet weather.

Storm conditions with extra run-off from the development would only make matters worse. The means to prevent this need detailing.

5. Where will the sewage sytem be located and where will it overflow to when it floods?

6. Planners should note that Windmill Lane is derestricted and that as a safety measure to help offset the effect of the increase in traffic which would result from this development, part of the approval should require speed limits to be imposed throughout the village.

7. Whilst the provision of homes for rent is welcomed, the Parish Council feel that all the properties should be for rent, better to reflect the requirements of the area.

8. As an asset and attraction to prospective renters / buyers, perhaps the developers should be required to make a financial contribution towards the children's playground currently being put in hand by the Parish Council on the old school playing field. Quotations are in and the scope agreed but further funding is still required to complete the project.

While points 1 – 4 are specific to the actual development site, points 5, 6, 7 and 8 effect the whole village and surrounding area.

In bringing these points to the attention of the residents of Buerton, the Parish Council hope that as many residents as possible will contact Cheshire East Council Planning Department to support our endeavours to keep a safe and attractive village.

When you do write to the planners, please quote Application 12/2532N, Construction of 9 affordable homes at Buerton. Comments should be sent to:

Cheshire East Council
Development Management
PO Box 606
Municipal Buildings

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