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Concern over toilets damage

13th January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Concern was expressed at Monday night's Audlem Parish Council meeting about damage seemingly caused by youngsters to Audlem's newly refurbished toilets.

Misuse included what was said to be teenagers standing or sitting on the baby-changing trays and damage to the hygiene facilities in the Ladies' toilets, again apparently by standing on them.

The police have been informed and photographs taken of this and other damage.

Fortunately, councillors also heard that the new CCTV camera in the car park was taking very high quality shots which should mean the suspects who have been spending a suspiciously lengthy time in the toilets can be identified.

Councillors expressed outrage that such a hard-fought for village asset could be misused by such a small minority who are using the toilets as a smoking den – now also against the law in a public building – and causing mindless damage which the community has to pay for.

Suggestions to tackle the problem included the parents of identified culprits being sent the repair bills. It was also said that there is nothing more sobering for parents than to have a police car at the door.

Some councillors did question why the police have not been more pro-active so far as the misuse of the toilets is a significant problem and needs to tackled as soon as possible.

An interesting statistical point also arose during the debate – so far the Gentlemen's toilet is raising four times the revenue of the Ladies' toilet through the Honesty Box donations!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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