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Cheshire East on Car Parking Charges

29th August 2023 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Parish Council
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Cheshire East Pre-Consultation on Car Parks.

In August, Cheshire East emailed all of their Parish Councils advising them of possible changes, potentially including charges, to car parking across the borough.

CE are intending to finalise proposals relating to a set of parking initiatives across the whole region and to complete public and statutory consultations.

Essentially this invitation was a "Pre-Consultation" for APC to advise them of any issues affecting the use of car parks so as to provide their officers with sufficient time to consider such comments and, as far as practical, make refinements to their proposals before the start of the statutory public consultation that will commence from Wednesday 6th September 2023 through to Wednesday 18th October 2023.

Clearly car parking in Audlem is, and has been for some considerable time, an ongoing problem and the introduction of any charges would be wholly wrong and create even more problems for residents, businesses, visitors, services and the many people in outlying districts that depend on Audlem's many facilities.

APC have responded to CE (a response had to be submitted by August 25th) with a long list of issues so as to hopefully influence the plans being made by CE. Our Village Management Group complied a detailed list of issues which were then enhanced by Parish Councillors and members of the Public at the August 23rd Emergency Council Meeting.

Click Here for the full APC response.

Once the Statutory Consultation has commenced, an Audlem Village Meeting will be arranged so that as many views of residents can be expressed and consolidated into APC's formal response to CE.

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