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CE's Economic Strategy Consultation

2nd September 2019 @ 6:06am – by Cheshire East Council
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Cheshire East's economic strategy out for consultation

Cheshire East Council has launched its plans to grow the local economy and is asking people to comment on the proposals in its draft economic strategy consultation.

The economic strategy is themed into five priorities and includes proposals for Cheshire East to be the place to:

  • Live – protecting and enhancing the quality of Cheshire East with a focus on regenerating town centres, housing delivery and the environment and economy in rural areas
  • Connect – improving connectivity options across the area, particularly with infrastructure and the growth opportunities that arise with the arrival of HS2;
  • Learn and work – ensuring that education provision meets employer demand and supports residents to improve their skills;
  • Invest – strengthening business support, delivering and growing a science corridor, and developing a place marketing approach and investment plan; and
  • Visit – positioning Cheshire East as a visitor destination and increasing the economic contribution of the cultural and visitor economy.

Councillor Nick Mannion, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for environment and regeneration, said: "We sit in a strategically important position, connecting the Northern Powerhouse to the Midlands Engine and are therefore a key player in delivering economic growth in the region and the UK for residents.
"Cheshire East has a vibrant and successful economy, rich natural environment and strong sense of community, which makes our area one of the best places to be in the UK. However, we cannot be complacent. As a borough we need to be proactive and invest and intervene where it makes sense.
"The economic development strategy outlines where we think the priority areas are and, it contains a set of proposed actions for how the council will seek to grow the economy.

"I urge everyone, residents and business from both rural and urban areas, to have a look and let us know if we are on the right track."
The document and consultation can be found on the Cheshire East Council website at: here
The closing date for comments is 5pm on Sunday 29 September 2019.

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