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The case for permanent moorings

12th October 2009 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Local narrow boat owner, Dave Martin, with a permanent mooring in Audlem puts the case for these moorings to continue being let to boat owners.

He asks: "Why take it out on Audlem?". It is clear, he says, that British Waterways (BW) are determined to close the Long Term Moorings in Audlem by stealth.

Ultimately there will be no permanently moored boats in Audlem, which will certainly diminish the attractiveness of the village to visitors, especially outside the holiday seasons, with consequential effect on local businesses.

As well as Dave's compelling article, there are petition forms in many Audlem shops asking BW to re-let moorings if they become available as narrow boats moored near the village are an important part of the village's character and appeal to visitors.

You can read Dave Martin's article by clicking on the title on the Homepage.

Vote PollElsewhere on the Homepage, you can still vote on the issue of the canal towpath from Audlem to Nantwich. Should it be improved for walkers and cyclists?

The voting so far has been very close. 38% say "No, leave it as it is"; 23% say "Make it better for walkers" while 39% say "Make it suitable for cyclists too."

If you haven't voted yet, you can do so by clicking on the Vote Poll question and selecting your choice from the drop down menu and then clicking on 'Vote'.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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