Dear all
> I am writing to let you all know that the towpath works between bridges 79 and 80 will be starting next week. I will be on site Monday morning putting up posters to let towpath users that the works are happening -- luckily we don't have to close any sections of the towpath when works are being carried out.
> Whilst the contractors will be on site, probably from Tuesday onwards, towpath works will start in earnest the following week. The contractors we will be working with are DG Mills, and they are experienced in working with the Canal & River Trust on this kind of project.
> Please could I ask that everyone keeps everything crossed for an improvement in the weather!
> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give me a shout.
> Best wishes
> Rebecca Mason
> Enterprise Manager
> T 07917 456863 E
> Canal & River Trust
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