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Burglaries warning

30th November 2013 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Many Audlem households buy their oil with the assistance of the Oil Baron who helps keep prices down by negotiating bulk buying prices.

A number of local members have passed on to AudlemOnline a message from the Oil Baron about burglaries in the Nantwich area. He says: "I am contacting you to let you know that there have been a series of burglaries that have taken place in the local vicinity.

"A property in Cholmondeston was ransacked on Saturday, with every drawer & cupboard in the house being turned over and all electrical equipment being taken.

"The Police say that they have seen an increase in burglaries in Nantwich and north of Nantwich. They advise that homeowners take particular care in locking up sheds, garages and not leaving out bikes and gardening/outdoor equipment which make rich pickings for the festive period!"

Sensible advice which we are happy to pass on.

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