Last year the Government announced that British Waterways would transfer its canals and rivers in England and Wales to a new charitable trust, the Canal & River Trust. The Canal & River Trust will be up and running by April 2012.
Twelve Waterway Partnerships and a Museum Partnership will help guide the work of the new Trust and give people a voice in the operation and management of their waterway.
The Canal & River Trust is delighted to announce Jim Forrester as the chair of the new North Wales and Borders Waterway Partnership. Mr Forrester and waterway manager Wendy Capelle, are now looking to recruit at least 8 members to join the Partnership and to actively get involved and advise on how waterways in Cheshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and North Wales are used and looked after.
As a group, the Members of the Partnership will have a range of knowledge, skills and experience relevant to the development of waterways for the widest public benefit.
Relevant interests and expertise include boating and other waterway activities -including walking, angling, cycling; fundraising and volunteering; finance and commerce; planning and regeneration; environment and heritage; engineering and asset management; community engagement and wider partnership working with local government, commercial and charitable sectors.
We are looking for candidates who are locally-based, team players, credible, knowledgeable and willing to take a lead in one or more of the relevant areas of expertise.
The duty of all members of the Partnership will be to act in the best interests of the waterway rather than to represent any particular interests or causes. The North Wales & Borders Waterway Partnership relates to this area covering Audlem and the Shropshire Union canal.
Under the leadership of the Chair, the Partnership will work closely with their Waterway Manager, Wendy Capelle, to develop an overarching vision for their waterways within the Partnership area and develop strategies and plans to encourage more people to use and get involved with their local waterway.
The roles are voluntary with expenses paid and will involve approximatey 2-4 days a month.
Closing date for applications: 27 January 2012
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