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Billy Gibbons History

2nd March 2021 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Following on from the picture sent in by Peter Morgan of the Billy Gibbons Dance Ticket

Billy's Response to the Dance Ticket from Pete & Jan Morgan:-

Hello. It was great to see the Billy Gibbons Band dance ticket submitted by Peter. I'm going to have to look at my birth certificate to check my age. I was wondering if some people might like to know about my name and how I got it? There is a local connection and one a bit further away in the next County. If you think it might be of interest to some people, I'll write something but I think it will be a bit too long for a Chatbox entry.Thanks.Billy.

Culture & Media Editor's Response:-

Hi Billy,

If you are still young enough to use a keyboard -- please give us some background on your family history!
Regards, Culture & Media Editor (for today, anyway)

Billy's response:-

Hello John, 'keyboard'? Is that where I hang my keys? Mind you, it was a while before I realised a Royal Enfield WASN'T a place where the Queen kept her chickens.

Anyway; I'll write an article and I'll do my very best to keep it short.

Thanks John.


The History Reveal:-

"Billy" Gibbons.

I left Shavington Secondary School on the 24th of September 1971. It was a Friday. I know that for 2 reasons; 1; It was the day after Thursday and 2; I was full of glee because I didn't have to go to School the next day....or ever as it turned out!

On the 27th of that month which was a Monday (I know that because the day before it was a Sunday and I'd had a bath. I used to have one once a year whether I needed one or not. These day's it's not quite that often) I started work at Moseley's Garage of Audlem.

Some of you might know my name is Paul Gibbons. I wasn't really keen on the name 'Paul' and even less keen on 'Gibbons'. Looking rather like a Chimp doesn't help either. Anyway, that was about to change. The name I mean, not me looking like a Chimp, I'm stuck with that unfortunately.

I used to cycle to work in those day's as I hadn't yet won my Driving License in a Tombola at Bridgemere Fete in 1973. What you need to know at this point is, when I was very young, I used to play the drums a bit. (Oh, how my Uncle Eric Buckley, our next door neighbour, used to love me doing that! Some people in the Village, as well as Uncle Eric, knew I played the drums a bit....not quite as well as Uncle Eric did mind you)

Anyway, as I turned into the Yard at Moseley's, there were a few workers there having a chat and as I approached them, one of them (The very nice, Walter Eaton) looked up and shouted; "Ey Up! Here comes Billy Gibbons and his Broadcasting Band!" The connection being he knew I played the drums a bit and they also used to watch Billy Gibbons and his Broadcasting Band play, and with our second names being the same and Walter being quick witted, that's what happened.

I never called myself 'Billy' for a long while but the workers there did apart from Uncle Eric (who was a Mechanic in Moseley's Garage) he still called me Paul...amongst other things. However; I much preferred 'Billy' to Paul and later I 'adopted' it and it's now my official Equity name.

My Mum and Dad, relations and some friends still called me Paul but, how's this for weird, I preferred it when they did and even now, a few people from all those years ago still call me Paul. I like them doing that because it's a 'link' to those day's I suppose.

I've gone on for long enough now but, there's a story regarding the 'real' Billy Gibbons if there's enough interest I could tell just as soon as my typing finger stops hurting.


Footnote; Some people used to think I was 'nicknamed' after Billy Gibbons from that popular beat combo 'ZZTop'. You now know I wasn't but, I do have a connection with him as well. He has shed loads of money and I have loads of sheds.

Culture & Media Editor's finishing comment:-

It looks likely that Pete Morgan would be incorrect in believing the Dance Ticket refers to our local lad. However, if you were to believe in time travel... and Elvis still being alive!!...

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