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Audlem Ramblers Walk Saurday 30th March

24th March 2024 @ 6:06am – by ARS
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butterley heys

Audlem Ramblers (ARS) next walk:- on Easter weekend, about 4 and half miles to allow plenty of time to fit in other activities.

Christine Johnson will lead the walk starting from Audlem Car Park at 9.30 am, along the canal, crossing it at Bridge 77 to take the permissive path to Mill Lane, across the fields to Heywoods Lane, Coxbank and back down the canal.

We should have a good view of the alpacas at Butterley Heys (see attached photo).

Do bring coffee/refreshments for a stop when we rejoin the canal.

NB All walkers must have suitable footwear and be prepared for adverse weather, carry food and water to last for the entire walk and be suitably fit for the various lengths of walk.

Each walk is led by a nominated leader who will carry some first-aid equipment. The leader has the right to refuse to include in a group anyone who is felt not be adequately equipped.

Non-members of Audlem Rambling Society (ARS) are welcome to come on a walk but are expected to join ARS and pay the membership fee after a trial walk or two.

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