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Audlem Parish Council Developments

3rd March 2021 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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The last year has been a turbulent year for Audlem Parish Council. The COVID -19 pandemic has meant the meetings of the Council, Subcommittees such as Finance and Turnpike Field have all had to be held virtually using ZOOM or the like.


This would have been difficult under any circumstances but as the turnover in Parish Council members reached a high peak of seven vacancies and an Interim Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer part way through the year these difficulties have been exacerbated. Fortunately as new members stepped forward the vacancies were reduced to three.

Unfortunately this has now risen to five vacancies as the Chairman has resigned as he moves to pastures new, and the Chairman of the Finance Committee has also resigned necessitating the filling of key posts on the Council.

Please click here for more details about councillor vacancies.

Obviously with a number of new faces on the council fresh ideas will hopefully rise – phoenix like, but it is also felt that more experience and knowledge of our community would help significantly to anchor the Council. Hopefully this will be reflected in the vacancy applications.


The Interim Clerk, Paul Barton, from Shavington, has played an important role in stabilising the Council during this period and acting as Responsible Financial officer.

This has been made more difficult by the introduction of a new Software accounting package Scribe,which, whilst being beneficial moving forward has inevitably been experiencing teething problems. This together with training schemes for new councillors has meant councillors are to be thanked for continuing with the day to day Council business.

Financially the Interim Clerk suggests in his latest report that the Parish finances are robust although it has apparently been necessary to increase the precept by 5.5% and several unexpected expenses have occurred as a result of COVID. We look forward to the publishing of the Council accounts.


Much of the personnel changes have not been very transparent to the village but significant improvements are expected from the Communications Team led by Councillor Gresty.

The Parish Council part of AudlemOnline has been separated out completely and is now available as A link to this is prominently maintained in the links page on AoL.

On this website you can read all the latest Parish Council news as well as inspect meeting agendas and minutes. News stories relevant to Parish Council matters will still appear on AudlemOnline, with appropriate links to the PC website.

There is an introductory article on the PC website that you can see by clicking here.

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