Our July meeting was well attended, all eager to hear how to spot the signs of Cyber Fraud .
As usual we were welcomed to the meeting by Glenys Inight our president who updated us on all the local and regional activities happening as well as encouraging us to use the online training services available through the WI learning Hub
Our speaker for the evening was Andy Keven from Cheshire Constabulary who gave us a fast paced entertaining and somewhat terrifying account of how vulnerable you can be using your phone/computer in today's rapidly developing tech world.
The presentation guided us through six common areas of possible fraud, emails, phone calls and texts, social media, remote access, online shopping and dating and gave examples as to how a simple innocent action on our behalf could lead to problems in the future.
We were given some practical advice to take away and implement and reminded that if something doesn't look or feel right it probably isn't.
Our walking group is setting off at 10:30 from the Shroppie Fly in Audlem on Wednesday the 10th July for a 3 mile wander with icecream promised half way.
Our luncheon club group meets on the 9th July at the slightly later time of 12:30 for 12:45 at the Globe in Nantwich
Next month we look forward to hearing Nicky Patterson talk about her life in Air traffic Control on friday August 2nd at 7:15
As always, visitors are welcome to join us.
Vicky Kershaw
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