ASET promised a truly spectacular firework display last night yet still amazed everyone fortunate to be there. "Fantastic"; "What a night!"; "Utterly stunning"; "Sydney, eat your heart out," have been the comments coming into Audlem Online. – and they are still coming in. Congratulations to the Audlem Special Events Team on its best-ever display which had a huge audience in the village totally mesmerised by the sheer spectacle.
Blitz Fireworks were the new pyrotechnic team. "All Computer controlled" they announced and urged a count down from 10. There was an uneasy shuffling of feat, a palpable tension in the air when, as the countdown ended, there was a full two seconds of silence. Suddenly, in a blaze of rockets and music, a display that will be remembered for many a year was underway. Veterans of some of the greatest firework shows around the world simply said: "This is awesome!"
After a show of this quality, this complexity, it's hardly surprising the rumours won't go away that ASET could be in line for a role at the London Olympics' Opening Ceremony. The Beijing Games may have demonstrated that the Chinese could teach us how to play pingpong – an English invention. Last night, Audlem responded by showing the Chinese a thing or two about fireworks.
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