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Apples Galore at last ADAPT Market – Saturday

29th October 2021 @ 6:06am – by Chris Knibbs
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We have our last ADAPT market this week for the season.

We missed two weekends where we were otherwise distracted Apple pressing under the Buttermarket where we pressed 20+ gallons of Apple Juice, 2 gallons of grape juice and some pear juice for residents.

There may be some Apple juice, just pressed from our own apples on the stall.

We will also have some eating and cooking apples for sale. Not usually found in supermarkets. These Zero miles apples are:

  • King of the Pippins, Established 1770, An old dessert apple, with a distinctive rich, crisp, sweet, slightly nutty flavour.
  • Egremont Russet, Established 1872 A dessert apple, with a rich sweet, nutty flavour, with very firm flesh and distinctive thick russeted olive green-brown skin.
  • Red Falstaff, Established 1983 This new dessert apple is aromatic & juicy.
  • Blenheim Orange, Established 1740 An old, large dessert apple with a rich, dry, distinctive, very pleasant flavour.
  • Bramley Seedling, Established 1810 The most well known cooking apple in the UK. It is acid, yet sweet with a good flavour and plenty of juice.

We will have, Onions, Beetroot and Jerusalem Artichokes with recipes. Also free range eggs, jam and possibly a few cakes.

The Dahlias are at their best and some cut flowers will be available.

Honey is almost all gone but there are Beeswax Candles, lip and body balms and traditional Beeswax furniture polish.

We also recycled spent candle wax from Audlem Church and local pubs and restaurants and made a range of coloured candles.

Come and see us, 10am till 11:45am Lord C car Park.

Cheers Chris Knibbs

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