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APC Meeting 6th Sept

11th September 2023 @ 6:06am – by APC
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Report of the APC meeting on Wed 6th Sep 9th September 2023

Following are some of the matters discussed at the Audlem Parish Council (APC) Meeting on 6th September. A full report will be available in the next week or so when the minutes are issued:-

1. Members of the Public requested that more financial information be made available to the general public on the APC website, AOL and the notice board. Agreed this would be done as soon as possible.

2. Car Parking Charges
Proposal by Cheshire East to impose car parking charges – APC has responded see and it is intended to hold a village meeting when the public consultation is announced.

3. Planning Matters
The response to the Turnpike Field retrospective planning application should be completed and lodged by Friday 8th September.

The proposal by Audlem Public Hall to change the use of the flat within Audlem Public Hall was discussed and supported.

APC are submitting a planning application to remove several trees and trim others in the Conservation area at Churchfields.

4. Tree maintenance
A contractor was appointed to undertake a Tree Assessment in Turnpike Field, and to progress any urgent work needed.

5. Village Bus Services
A Public Transport consultation about bus services is currently being conducted by Cheshire East. Parish Councillors have responded and are urging members of the public to do so before the consultation ends on 30 September see

6. New Councillors
There are three vacancies for which applications are being sought see

7. Vice-Chair
Kate Down was elected

8. Note for diary
The next Annual Village Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024

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