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Ambulance Service responds

29th January 2007 @ 5:05pm – by Audlem Webteam
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We can confirm that representatives of the ambulance service will attend the Community Action Team meeting at 7pm on 7 February at St James' Primary School. This follows disturbing reports about lengthy ambulance service response times reported on this website (see stories entitled "Dangers of being taken ill on a Saturday night" posted on 10.11.06 and "It smells of another cover-up – and it stinks" posted on 25.01.07).

North West Ambulance Service representatives have agreed to come along to explain how the ambulance service operates in relation to outlying villages such as Audlem, and to answer specific points that have been raised by Audlem Parish Council, Audlem Online and local newspapers. They will also answer questions from those attending the meeting.

The meeting also provides a chance to meet up with and tell your local Police what's most important to you and to vote on the top priority for the next nine weeks – so do go along to have your say.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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