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AFC take on the Vindaloo

5th October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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afc lodge india

No match report today, Sunday 4th – we have no game as we have been given a bye.

Players are performing well so far this season and really playing as a team and keeping the shape very well.

Special Team Training

Last Friday night we gathered for a curry night and a bonding evening at Lodge India. Great evening -- suitably distanced -- and great buzz . Lots of testosterone there, as players talked of their play, tactics and best kick/pass of the last game.

Bit noisy so I apologised to table of ladies near to us. Found out it was a birthday meal, so they suffered certainly the loudest and perhaps the least tuneful rendition of Happy Birthday ever .

All over and home by 2300.

Excellent team night and one we must repeat some time.

Next match is again in Northwich versus Broadhurst F C on October 11th .

Ralph Warburton

Chairman A F C

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