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Adderley WI goes into suspension

31st March 2007 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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After being in existence for 89 years, Adderley and Shavington WI met for possibly the final time last week. There is a chance of a reprieve after members voted for a three-year suspension. If more people came forward during that time, the group may be restarted.

Three trustees were elected to oversee care of WI property. A cabinet with the the group's trophies will be installed in the village hall.

President Liz Jones thanked all members for their hard work over the years, including Mary Taylor, a member for 60 years, who organised the whist drives. There was a vote of thanks for Liz Jones, Jean Knight (secretary for eight years) and Ruby Bonell (treasurer for 24 years).

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