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Adderley Footpath Planning Decision

1st January 2022 @ 6:06am – by Peter Kay
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Footpaths from Audlem to Adderley and Bridleway past Heyfields Farm to A529 -- the decision.

The Inspector appointed by the Planning Inspectorate has ruled that these routes have been rights of way since at least the 19th Century.
Lord Corbett's efforts in the 1950's to block them has finally been defeated. They will now go on the Definitive Map for Shropshire and eventually onto OS maps.

The picture shows the stile off Bagley Lane opposite Wood Orchard Lane which now does lead to Adderley. However it will take a little time to get the Shropshire gates in.

I would like to express my thanks to all those who have helped move this project forward, particularly those who filled in Evidence of Use forms.

The full report and maps can be viewed by clicking on the pdf file below the photograph

For more information on the footpaths saga see here :

Peter Kay

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