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ADAS Open Gardens event badly hit by the weather

25th June 2008 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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Ralph Warburton reports

The Annual Open Gardens & Silent Auction took place at the weekend. This is the biggest weekend in the ADAS calendar and we normally enjoy excellent support.

The owners of 16 gardens had worked so very hard over the past months to have a truly lovely kaleidoscope of gardens ablaze with colour and shape to gladden the eye. Sadly the weather was awful with very cold and very strong winds. The support from the village and surrounding area was very poor with very few visitors. Overall we had only 144 people who came to buy their maps and lists at the Public Hall, with very many of them coming from Shrewsbury, Stoke, Crewe etc. Because of the very low numbers the Silent Auction also suffered.

As a result the total income for ADAS was down by 75%, which means that we will have less in our coffers to cover our events in the coming days and months, such as Christmas displays etc. But most of all we are saddened for the Gardeners in that their noble efforts were not seen by greater numbers.

At the close of the weekend ADAS put on a "thankyou" BBQ hosted by Eleanor and Colin Liles. At this event, Ralph took the opportunity to present a beautiful bench crafted from eucalyptus timber to Derek McKelvey in recognition of his 39 years service on the ADAS committees and for being such a super champion of the village.

Next year? Who knows?

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