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ADAPT – 'Up the Garden Path'

16th August 2011 @ 7:07am – by Jane Marshall
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Plant and produce show and sale on Saturday, 27th August in the Methodist Hall car park, 11.00am – 3.00pm

- Energy display

- Plant and produce stalls

- homemade produce stalls

- craft stalls

Bring your items for sale on the day, 25% commission – bring items labelled with price and name and return at 3.15pm for collection of your goods/money.

- Lighthearted produce classes – Longest Bean, Biggest Potato, Weirdest Veg, Heaviest marrow, Veg you are proudest to have grown.

Bring your entries by 10.30am

- children’s competition – Miniature garden – size up to a biscuit tin lid

Bring your entries by 10.30am with name and age marked underneath

3 classes – up to 7 years old, 7-10 years, 10 yrs and over 

Please contact Gill on 811914 or Jane at" target="_blank"> for further information.


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