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ADAPT Saturday Market

5th October 2018 @ 6:06am – by Valerie Mackin
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Under the gazebo in the Lord Cumbermere car park, between 10.00- 12.00 Saturday. Come early and find out what is on the stall for sale this week. Shop local, shop seasonal. All the produce on the ADAPT stall is grown in local gardens and picked fresh. So support this fantastic facility.

As the summer moves into autumn on the stall this week there will be beetroot large and small, turnips, lots of onions, shallots 50p for 7 a bargain, marrows, even Italian marrows. Beautiful tomatoes. What a lovely casserole all that will make. For afters some grapes, or you could make them into wine or just juice. I expect if they haven't all been pressed into juice there will be lots of cooking and eating apples. Come and get the best eggs with the yellowist yolks. We ran out of honey last week, but there should be more this week. And some lovely bees wax candles. To brighten up the home sweet peas are still flowering and also beautiful dihlias.

The Saturday Market will only be going for a couple more weeks as produce gets harder to find. If you have enjoyed coming to our stall each week maybe you would like to join the Adapt Food group, we meet once a month and talk about gardens, food and eat cake. Have a chat to anyone on the stall and you will be most welcome.

Thanks to all who brought your apples along to be pressed, I hope you are enjoying the fruits of your labour. If you still have apples you would like pressing come and talk to us on Saturday and we will see what we can do.

Thank youValerie Mackin

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