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ADAPT recipe for August

3rd August 2015 @ 6:06am – by Celia Bloor
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As always the courgettes keep coming and after freezing several containers of ratatouille something different is needed. You can make fritters by grating them into a pancake batter, or cake by adding grated courgette after creaming the butter and sugar and adding the eggs and flour-try in your favourite recipes. However this one sounded appetising:

Creamy courgette and bacon pasta

  • 1tsp olive oil
  • 150g bacon lardons
  • 4 courgettes grated coarsely
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • handful of fresh grated Parmesan
  • 200g approx low fat crème fraiche
  • 300g tagliatelle or other pasta.

Fry the bacon in the oil until starting to crisp, add the grated courgette and cook until soft then add the garlic crushed and cook for 1 further minute.

Cook the pasta and drain, keeping a cupful of the cooking water. Put the pasta into the frying pan with the cooked ingredients. Add the crème fraiche and half the parmesan with a little of the water if needed. Mix well and season. After serving in bowls sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan.

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