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ADAPT August Recipe

30th August 2018 @ 6:06am – by Debbie Collins
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Plum Ice Cream

For the puree
800g plums, halved and stones removed
100g sugar
For the ice cream
4 eggs, separated
100g caster sugar
300ml double cream
Serves at least 8
1. Cook the plums with the sugar, in a pan without water, until really soft
2. Sieve and push through with a wooden spoon to separate the skins and allow to cool
3. Whisk the egg whites in a very clean bowl until stiff then gradually add the sugar whisking until soft peaks form
4. In a separate bowl, whisk the cream into soft peaks and stir in the egg yolks
5. Add 200ml of the plum puree to the cream mix and stir well
6. Add 1 tablespoon of egg white mix to the cream mix to loosen
7. Fold in rest of egg whites carefully
8. Spoon into 1 or 2 suitable freezer containers and freeze

This is a really easy recipe requiring no cooking skills, just a couple of mixing bowls and patience whilst it freezes. Any leftover puree can be frozen and saved for another batch later.

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