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Colin Cliffe on Lost/ Roving dog

11th February 2021 @ 11:02pm

I believe the same dog was charging up and down Paddock and Kettle Lane on Thursday afternoon, I tried to entice it but he /she wasn't interested, although it seemed to have a friendly disposition

David Parry on Lost/ Roving dog

11th February 2021 @ 5:49pm

I have now seen , on two separate days, a dog wandering alone through the village. Large Labrador sized, brown/tan. First time a couple of days ago (s)he was powering up Cheshire Street ( in the road) past the cemetery and today on Turnpike Field before running out onto Green Lane and then turning back toward the village. Looks well fed and looked after so I think it is escaping from a garden rather than being a stray. Worried about its interpretation of the Green Cross Code though! Anyone know where it belongs?

Jude Goldie on Kitchen and bathroom renovations

11th February 2021 @ 9:05am

Can anyone recommend someone reliable who can carry out kitchen and bathroom renovations with a degree of building work/knocking through walls /installing kitchen/electrics etc. Many thanks.

Vic Pomadi on Dog owners and and poo

10th February 2021 @ 8:40pm

I was appalled today going for a walk on turnpike field to see that some totally irresponsible dog owner had allowed their dog to leave its mess next to one of the picnic benches and didn't even have the decency to pick it up and put it in the bin provided, these people should be named and shamed.

Nigel Mottershead on Builder Recommendation

10th February 2021 @ 2:32pm

Hi, I would recommend Anthony Jess for this sort of work.
He is local – from Shavington and reliable and his work is first class.
His number is 07913 533 859 and e:mail is
Good luck.

Lesley Dale-Lace on Builder Recommendation

10th February 2021 @ 11:15am

Could anyone recommend a local builder please? We need some roof flashing & tiles replaced along with repairs to a ceiling lantern.

Bill Biggar on Mothers and Mobiles

9th February 2021 @ 5:45pm

I couldn't agree more with Bob's observations and comments. I've seen a number of Mums looking at their phones while pushing their child's pram / buggy into the road to cross over and hardly paying attention to the traffic – unbelievable! I was taught "wherever you are – be there!". Back in the days when we could all go shopping, I once suggested this to a sales assistant who was engrossed in a deep conversation with one of her colleagues whilst simultaneously dealing with my purchase. Sadly, my suggestion went sailing straight over her head. Faced with similar situations, I now tend to purposely mumble in order to get them to pay attention.

bob fousert on Mothers and Mobiles

9th February 2021 @ 4:32pm

On a completely different tack, I feel exactly the same way that Sandra does about dogs and poo when I see young mothers walking along the street glued to their mobiles with very young children in tow. More often than not, they haven't a clue what is going on about them whilst they chat with their mates, and appear totally ignorant of the dangers their children are under from traffic. The same applies about the points Sandra raised; walking your child should be an interactive and bonding experience, a time to teach youngsters road craft, the etiquette of socialisation and good manners. Unfortunately, not only are they being irresponsible parents, but their behaviour borders on criminal neglect! Guess where the blame will lie is anything should happen to their child.

Chris Lewis on Leek in the canal

9th February 2021 @ 10:59am

Clearly the leek in question is a purposely grown specimen as it is already topped and tailed
Chris Lewis

Sandra Rothwell on Pick up after your dog

9th February 2021 @ 8:04am

As a dog owner too, on my many walks, the one thing that really annoys me is seeing dog owners dawdling along with their animals, looking at their phones. They are completely unaware of what their dogs are doing, and consequently walk on often leaving a trail of poo behind them. Walking you dog should be an interactive and bonding experience, a time to teach your dog the etiquette of socialisation and good manners around people and other dogs. To those people I say, switch off, put the phone in your pocket and look around you, we live in a beautiful world!

Dee Sandom on Daffodils & Star Jumps

8th February 2021 @ 7:40pm

I would like to say a big thank you to 5-year-old William who delivered 100 daffodils to 100 houses yesterday, doing a star jump at each house, in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore. The daffodil you left at my house certainly did brighten up my day and I hope your legs feel okay after all those star jumps! Well done young man!

Celia Bloor on The Brook

8th February 2021 @ 4:56pm

The hills make a watershed so that everything North of the line from the top of the hill on Norton road (mere means boundary) to Woore flows into the Mersey, South goes to the Severn via the Tern and East goes to the Trent. The county boundaries coincide in places with these geographical features.

Roy PLUME on House Roof Tile Cleaning

8th February 2021 @ 4:28pm

Has anyone locally had their house roof tiles cleaned? I would appreciate hearing of anyone's experience and any recommendations (or otherwise) of contractors.

Fiona Riley on DECKING

8th February 2021 @ 4:25pm

Can anyone recommend a local company that would fit composite decking please?

Jacqueline Thompson on The Brook

8th February 2021 @ 3:46pm

When I was 11, a long time ago now, a friend & I set out up the brook with our wellies on to find the source of the brook. We fancied ourselves as great explorers. Sadly we had to go home for tea before we found it

Peter Morgan on The Romping Cat

8th February 2021 @ 2:57pm

Sorry Geraint but I'm unable to help you regarding the change of name to Pentre House. I would guess that when the property was sold and reverted to a private dwelling it was bought by a person of welsh extraction who regarded Salford as a 'small village' and found the name appropriate. The family farm resides well inside England but was given a Welsh name after the estate was bought up by a Welshman of means in the mid 19th century. But then, I guess that all of England was Welsh until the thieving Angles and Saxons stole it from us !! In the mode of the day it must be time for a compensation claim, but perhaps we should look to Rome for the fist four centuries and go on from there. Thanks for your kind words.

Nigel Mottershead on The Brook

8th February 2021 @ 1:52pm

Hi Billy,
I may be wrong but I've just traced the Brook back as far as I can and I reckon it's source is this side of Woore in College Fields where the ground is higher.
It's joined by lots of other drains and streams and ditches as it makes its way through Buerton, Chapel End, Bunsley Bank and then Audlem before joining the Weaver not far from you.
There is also another branch which joins the one coming from Buerton near Longhill Lane and that starts out near Mere Farm on the Norton Road and flows past Highfields and then eventually under the A525.
So th answer really is that it starts all over the place!

Bob McClintock on Dog owners and and poo

8th February 2021 @ 1:17pm

Go anywhere you fancy . Canal tow paths, footpaths, country lanes , playing field , turnpike field . They all have one thing in common . You've guessed it folks . Irresponsible dog owners leaving a trail of dog poo .

Billy Gibbons on The Brook

8th February 2021 @ 11:58am

Does anyone know where the River...sorry...Brook starts from please? I bet someone does. Don't worry, I'm not going to dam it to stop it flooding my place...but I must admit...the thought is very tempting! It's just for reference when someone asks me which, during this last lot of flooding, quite a few people have.

Adriana Roscoe on Pick up after your dog

8th February 2021 @ 11:55am

I am a new dog owner. I promise I will always pick up my dog's poo and will never, ever put the poo bag anywhere other than a poo bin or my own bin. I once saw a dog owner stand and watch her dog poop about 3 feet inside my property on the end of its lead. It has always disgusted me and now it's my turn to practise what I have always preached. I have never understood the thinking behind hanging them up on branches etc – why do people do this?

G. Ridley-Clark on Pick up after your dog

8th February 2021 @ 11:53am

Having just walked down the canal from Coxbank to the village with my dog I was appalled to see the amount of dog faeces that had not been picked up! There is no excuse for this! There are bins on the canal for disposal of such waste, why oh why can't people use them! I'm sure the majority of dog walkers do but it's the minority that give us dog lovers a bad name!

Debra evans on moving a settee inside house

8th February 2021 @ 10:51am

we picked up a settee yesterday and need a man( or 2 ) to help take it off the van and round the back of the house through the conservatory doors..and put the old one on the van for us to take to the tip
i cannot manage it alone as its heavy.
does anybody know a local man with van (although we dont need the the help)that we could get a price from?

its a 15min job if that.
we are in between audlem & woore on the a525

Suzie Warren on Pick up after your dog

8th February 2021 @ 9:52am

If there is one thing guaranteed to get me growling and harrumphing more than HS2 – it is dog poop stuffed into a plastic bag and left adorning a tree, bush, fence. It will be there, potentially, for the next 100 years or more. If you do this, can you explain what your thinking is, please? II would love to know.

Here's a thought, how about you kick it to the side undergrowth if it is too heavy to carry to the nearest poop bin.
You're welcome.

Kevin Errington on Thank you

8th February 2021 @ 9:28am

Just a big thank you to all those kind people who stopped last night when the wheel came off my Freelander at Corbook and offered assistance. Especially Luke for sorting out the trailer etc.
Fortunately no injuries or damage to any others or vehicles occurred.
Successfully recovered and hopefully sorted out soon.
Many thanks again lovely people.

Celia Bloor on Star Count

8th February 2021 @ 7:47am

Did this count last year and was disappointed to find even on Bagley Lane the light pollution was bad. There is a farm on the southern horizon with very bright lights on all the time and there seems to be a fashion for illuminating the outside of houses for no good reason. Movement sensors should be used if security is the worry.

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