Zumba is back on at the Audlem Public Hall on a new day, Fridays, at 10.00am, starting on 11th October.
If you have not tried Zumba before, or feel you do not have the confidence to try Zumba, start now with me and I will make it simple for you. With some basic routines to enable you to still have fun and a good workout.
You must give it 6 weeks before you can really start enjoying the routines and feeling the benefits of Zumba. You will have fun, if you like dancing then, come along to my Zumba Sessions, you will loosen up and will not want to stop dancing.
It is a great way to lose weight, like anything new you have to give it more than just 2 weeks! I will help you to learn the steps and really enjoy all the routines.
Please call to book your place, 01270 842535 or 07852 938851
I look forward to seeing you again.
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