'What time is the bingo on tonight?'
I did an internalised punching of the air whilst outwardly presenting my usual insouciance. This was someone who had definitely seen my report on Audlem Online, or their Mum & Dad had. I'm not splitting hairs, information was conveyed – result.
And here was I, labouring under the misapprehension that my usual readership have been on the electoral roll for some considerable time. Or have they? The bingo did happen eventually but there was a bit of a delay when I discovered that the old faithful, slightly saucy sounding lady, who had been doing the job very well for the past two years had become a casualty of my latest upgrade to IOS 11. There was no such update for the helpfully named 'bingo caller app' on my phone, ergo, it became a deceased bingo caller app. Caitlin came to the rescue with a more droid like version that did the trick. Blimey though these things take a long time.
We had three choccie prizes and gave up on the idea of having three separate rounds, instead just awarding them to the first, second and third to complete the one card we played! We started out with 8 players and ended up with a mid-career Genesis album (one for the cryptic crossword fans).
So to this week. Gin is reviving last year's surprising hit, nostalgic games night. Conkers, french skipping and the like. Hope to see you there.
Weds night at the Public Hall, 7.15pm- 9pm, subs £1, Y7 and up welcome.
Enquiries to Kate on 07789 915940.
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