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Youth Club Prepares for New Annexe Home

1st November 2017 @ 6:06am – by Kate Parkes
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Time appears to be speeding up at the moment. After what sometimes felt like a millennia to reach the goal of a permanent home for Youth Club, we are now racing to get it prepared for the grand opening on the 18th November!

Until now it has all felt quite theoretical, but with keys being handed over imminently, it is starting to get very exciting. I recently made the ultimate sacrifice of spending a Saturday afternoon in Ikea on the hunt for the perfect tables, chairs and sofas – you know it's going to be an excruciating ordeal when it takes 20 minutes to find a parking space!

Truth is, it's been fun assembling all the stuff we need and we can't wait to see it all come together. The finishing touches may take a while longer to materialise but we're not letting that stop us.

We hope that our first ever session in the new Youth Club room will take place on Wednesday 8th November at 7pm- (a firm announcement to follow shortly.) So while I dream of neatly stacked and labelled boxes, in capacious storage, containing all manner of usefulness for Youth Club, our activities continue as per usual. We had a week off with half term last week but at our last session we made lanterns inspired by pictures from the Boston Lantern festival.

Sometimes I marvel at my own dimness. I had been carefully and painstakingly pasting PVA glue onto a sheet of tissue paper (not easy) to wrap around my lantern when Milla sashays up to the table and slaps the glue decisively straight onto her lantern, followed with equal assuredness by the tissue paper. Duh! Of course that's the simplest and best way to do it.

That's what I love about Youth Club- you can learn from anyone, at anytime and I frequently do. (I had the last laugh later mind you because I was able to drive myself home after the session and Milla just can't do that yet can she – shame.)

This week at Youth Club we fall between two stools; 'tis neither Halloween anymore and not yet bonfire night. Inspired by an idea from Caitlin we will therefore be adopting a 'Dia de los Muertos', or 'Day of the Dead' flavour to the session. Caitlin will be creating sugar skulls make up on those who want it and there will be a generally ghoulish version of the run around quiz, compiled by Monique. I think there might be a 'famous last words' element to the quiz because we expect this to be our last session in the Public Hall.

Hope to see you there at our usual time of 7.15pm- 9pm. Y7 and over welcome. Call Kate on 07789 915940 for information.

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