There was so much news on Audlem Online last week that a few important stories slipped off the Homepage so rapidly that many readers may have missed them. One was about the Youth Club when Pete Marshall wrote: "At our AGM a couple of weeks ago we discussed in great detail the position we have found ourselves in regarding the numbers of members who attend the club on Tuesday evenings. Although we have over 40 members on the books, for several months, there has been no more than 3 or 4 actually attending. This presented us with 3 issues to consider.
"The first is that what we are able to offer at Youth club on a Tuesday evening in the hall is not of interest to most young people in the village. The second is that it is very disheartening to the volunteer helpers who give up their spare time to run the club. The third is that we will soon find ourselves unable to keep the Tuesday night going financially.
"Several ideas as to how to make the club more appealing were discussed and it was agreed at the time that a change to an occasional event based program would work better with the club having no regular meeting place but, instead, organizing social and activity based events on different nights and at different places.
"Further opinion was sought from our young people at Brine Leas and St James and we met again recently. It was a unanimous decision to finish our regular term use of the hall at the Easter holiday break and begin planning our future direction.
"This is an exciting new direction which we hope will be led by the young people of Audlem themselves. The plan is to have some events and activities that will suit older young people and some that suit the younger ones. Some, of course will be great for all. Ideas already being considered include an informal 'drop in' night at The Priest House Café, live music evening, disco/dance based evening.
"Let's have some more ideas please and I would like to finish this piece with a big thank you to all the volunteer helpers who have given up their Tuesday evenings over the last few years. You are still needed and you are all brilliant!"
This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.
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