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Your Chance to Help Audlem

27th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Parish Council
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Your Chance to help Audlem

Currently Audlem Parish Council has 8 councillors and is allowed to have up to 12.

2023 is an Election Year for all Parish Councillors -- 4 May. This means that all existing councillors and any new ones, have to apply to stand as a candidate and be voted by the public onto the Parish Council.

There have been many varied comments and opinions expressed about APC -- some accurate, some emotive, some positive and constructive and some merely mis-informed.

But, what that really tells us is that there are a lot of people in Audlem who are passionate about our community.

So, if you are one of these, then why not put yourself forward to be elected??

There are 10,000 local councils in England, with 100,000 unpaid and voluntary councillors. They are often the heroes of their communities and give residents a voice on the decisions that Councils make -- in our case Cheshire East. They can improve the lives of fellow residents and make a real difference to their community.

Here are some links to provide information about what it means to be a Parish Councillor:

What it means to be a councillor:

Information website:

Can you stand?

Guide to applying:

There is a strict deadline of 4pm on 4th April 2023 by which time applications need to have been physically submitted.

If you have any specific questions regarding APC, please email our Parish Clerk on or call on 07596159067. Alternatively if you want to have an informal chat with any of the current councillors, their contact details are on the APC website at:

P lease note the deadline for submissions

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