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Yesterday: an Apology

2nd April 2016 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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The second day of April means we normally have to make an apology for AudlemOnline's antics the day before.

So, an apology to all those worried whether they will be able to vote in the European Referendum, to the quoted members of the Audlem Lass team, to ARS members and particularly to ADAS stalwart Mike Haines – see photo. We don't know what Mike's views are on the European Referendum but if he wouldn't put out those particular flags if they paid him, our double apologies!

We are particularly pleased that Bob Fousert's tip about the Royal Navy using the canal system proved more than accurate – see separate story from Peter Silvester.

The webteam failed, as you may have noticed, in their attempt to prevent the editor getting on to the control system behind AudlemOnline. They now recall he is a pensioner of a well-known popular newspaper company and have concluded his ex-employers send him the latest hacking training updates as well as a small amount of money each month.

Judging by yesterday's readership figures, our April Fool's activity seems to be appreciated with over 3,000 readers clicking on during the day. We just hope our stories made you smile.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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