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A Wonderful Place to Learn!

2nd May 2015 @ 6:06am – by Becky Jewitt
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We had a Teaching and Learning Review in school on Tuesday; this review is part of our on-going self- evaluation in school and helps us to evaluate how well school is doing.

I am delighted to report that the outcomes of this review were very positive. The review was carried out by two visiting consultants who we invited into school to evaluate teaching and learning across school. They reported that:

  • There is an impressive richness of curriculum throughout school,
  • Maths work shows increased problem solving and investigative activities which are evident across school,
  • The EYFS provision provides a lovely learning environment, which promotes all areas of learning well,
  • Our children are able to share a range of good examples of where they couldn't do something very well before but are able to now,
  • The impact of leadership on the improvement of teaching is very evident especially in books. o Governors are very supportive and knowledgeable.

This is further external validation of the high quality of teaching and learning in our school and is testament to the hard work of staff, Governors, parents and children.

More news from the school tomorrow on AudlemOnline

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