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Winners of Children's Art & Poetry Competition

30th December 2014 @ 6:06am – by Steve Elliott
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Earlier this year, Audlem Parish Council organised a competition for children to depict their view of Audlem in the future, either in Art and Poetry form.

The competition was to help to increase the visibility of the importance of developing the Neighbourhood Plan for Audlem and at the same time solicit opinions from our younger generation.

The winners will be contacted shortly so as to receive their prizes – and the original entries will be displayed at the Public Meetings in the Public Hall during January and February.

You can view the winning entries by going to the Neighbourhood Plan site at:

Thanks should go to the volunteer judges, Sheila Webster & Annabel Thornton for Art and Joan Pierce and Jeff Price for Poetry. Jane Marshall chaired the judging.

Big Congratulations should go to all the children who entered, but especially to the Winners:


5 years and Under:- Katy Sullivan
6-8 years:- Rebecca Marshall & Tessa Sullivan
9+ years:- Molly Sullivan: 'Home is where the Heart is'
Group Prize:- Audlem Brownies


9+ years:- Lily Serif: 'Audlem'
Group Prize:- Audlem Guides: 'Audlem is like a Sunflower'

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