Villagers dressed to thrill as they celebrated a fabulous 90 years of the Audlem Women's Institute. Members represented different decades throughout the WI's existence including Land Girls, 20s Flappers, pre-war 30s and 40s "new look".
A special "Happy Birthday Audlem WI" cake was served up by Beryl Gribbin as Federation chairman Margery Hall and ex-chairman Christine Bailey made special guest appearances. President Christine Salisbury said: "The day was a resounding success. It was a lot of fun getting dressed up and everybody certainly got into the spirit.
"We were one of the very first WIs to be formed in Cheshire and are still going strong. We hold meetings once a month where we play games like Scrabble and bridge. We even managed to get three new members just through our birthday event and anyone interested in joining is always welcome."
An exhibition of artefacts and memorabilia spanning the last nine decades was on show at the event, which was at Audlem Scout & Guide Hall. Among them was a prized rose bowl, two hand-embroidered tablecloths dating back more than 30 years and the dominoes shield, won this year by Mary Cleaver.
The event went on into the evening and wound up with light-hearted memories of their WI days being shared by Joan Vernon, Margaret Thornton, Pat Jones, Ann Pearce, Alma Lawrence and Jean Cadman before a communal singalong.
For more information on Audlem WI call 01270 812998.
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