D.A.H.L.I.A. is a new campaign in the village – Developing Allotments 4 Healthy Leisure in Audlem.
1. Do you like fresh, seasonal fruit and veg?
2. Would you like to Grow Your Own?
3. If you had the chance of an Allotment in Audlem, would you take it?
If the anser is 'Yes' to these questions and you want to register an interest in having an Allotment (with no commitment at this stage) please:-
PHONE: 01270 811887 or 811774
Or EMAIL: czarptc@hotmail.com">czarptc@hotmail.com or christmjdill@aol.com">christmjdill@aol.com
or TEXT 07974 368518 or 07772 150739
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