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The Village Diary

17th January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Years ago, before Audlem Online arrived, there was a Village Diary kept in Williams’ newsagents. 

The Diary recorded all the events that were due to take place in and around Audlem during the year.  It meant that those who were planning an event (be it a charity dance;  a coffee morning; a pantomime; or an “Open Garden” weekend, for example) could  check to see whether their event would clash with something already in the Diary. If not, they could write it in and the date would be “booked”.

Some people seem to think that the Village Diary no longer exists.  But it does!  A copy is always kept in Williams’ newsagents and it can be used in the same way as it was in the past. 

The Diary is printed out from the website’s events calendar.  It contains all the information that the website has on forthcoming events – and, as before, if you see that your event is not listed then write it in.  A member of the webteam regularly checks the Diary and updates the website events calendar based on these hand-written entries.  A new copy is then printed out and the old version is removed.

Please pass on this news to people you know who don’t have access to the internet.  We want everyone in Audlem to know how to find out what’s going on and be able to check particular dates for potential clashes if they are organising an event.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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