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Vacancy for Parish Clerk

16th May 2012 @ 7:07am – by Jean White
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Audlem Parish Council – Vacancy for Parish Clerk/ Proper Officer

Applications are invited for the position of Parish Clerk.  This is an interesting and varied part time post for 42.5 hours per month, working from home, offering the chance to enable the team of Parish Councillors to deliver real benefits to the community.

There is a minimum of 11 Council meetings annually, all held in the evening, and there may be additional meetings during the year which the Clerk will be required to attend.

The successful applicant will be computer literate and self-reliant, preferably with a knowledge of local government procedures.  Duties will include the preparation of agendas, minutes, dealing with correspondence and general administration. 

The Clerk will also be required to liaise with Cheshire East Council, other organisations and the general public.  Training will be provided if required.  (Financial management duties are undertaken by a Responsible Financial Officer.)

The salary will be in accordance with NALC/SLCC pay scales for a village with a population of 2100, currently in the range £8.919 – £10.198 per hour depending upon experience and qualifications.

Further information about the position can be obtained from the Chair, Kate Down on 01270 811160.

Your formal application should be addressed to the Chair, at the address below, outlining any relevant experience, your skills and reasons for wanting to become Audlem’s Parish Clerk.  Please include a brief CV with your letter.

Cllr Mrs Kate Down
Sunrae, Wood Orchard Lane

The deadline for applications is 15th June 2012.

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