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Two courses at Audlem Mill

3rd December 2011 @ 7:07am – by Peter & Christine Silvester
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There are still one or two places on needlework courses at Audlem Mill in just a week from now.  These should be really enjoyable days, exploring a new needlework skill. 

10th December - Stumpwork
Enjoy this lovely form of raised embroidery using traditional techniques including wiring, wrapping and padding. 

11th December – Crewel Work

Using Appletons wools on linen twill, you will learn a variety of interesting and traditional stitches while creating a lovely Jacobean Flower design.

The tutor for both courses, which are suitable for beginners or improvers with a little knowledge, is Nicola Hulme, of The Silver Thimble in Yorkshire.  The fee for each course is £60 inc. VAT, which includes all refreshments and a good lunch. 

Please ring 01270 811059 to book or for further information.

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