Laurence Jeffcoate, winner of BBC1's 'I'd do anything' and recent star of 'Oliver' at Drury Lane, sings in the village this weekend.
Laurence is here to help Audlem Methodist Church raise £5,000 in one day for Macmillan Cancer Support. On Saturday afternoon and evening, AMC is giving two performances of 'Sing-a-long the Shows', with Laurence as guest artist. In 'Sing-a-long the Shows', the AMC musical team will entertain with a number of well-known songs from popular shows, there will be every opportunity for the audience to sing-a-long, and Laurence will top the bill with songs from 'Oliver'.
Most tickets for 'Sing-a-long the Shows' have been sold, but a few afternoon (2.30 pm) tickets still remain. If you would like to hear Laurence sing – and help Macmillan at the same time – book your ticket NOW at">
£5k1day is Audlem Methodist Church's main summer project. A number of events are organised for this weekend to raise £5,000 for Macmillan. If you wish to support online, go to
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