For those eagerly wondering which of the April Fool tales on Thursday on Audlem Online contained a shred of truth, a message on the Chatbox yesterday from Gillfridge was pretty well spot on. She said:
“Just letting you know Audlem Online has an international readership: I posted a link to one of the April 1st stories on Facebook and have received comments from Italy and Senegal.
As the daughter of an elder statesman of Audlem, I do recognise that Commonsense manifesto. I've been hearing it over the dinner table for more than 30 years, and the policies get more drastic and vehement the more the wine flows. So I reckon that's the one with the grain of truth.
Lawd help us all if he gets elected.”
Yes, the Commonsense Party was formed in Audlem. And it has a comprehensive manifesto and a Leader. As that person wants the focus to be on policies rather than personalities, the identity of that figure is safe with Audlem Online – for the present!
The Commonsense Party has, however, left pulling its nationwide organisation together a little late for the 2010 General Election. So few, if any, candidates will be standing under the Commonsense banner.
But, the party says, let this be an early warning to politicians of all shades – if there isn't a return to commonsense in the coming years, the new party will swing into operation fully for the election of 2014/5.
And with a manifesto packed with so much commonsense, victory will surely be assured!
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