Audlem resident Dinah Andrew will be giving the third and final talk on Wednesday at Nantwich Museum in her series entitled Lord Combermere: Distinguished Soldier and Country Gentleman.
Dinah Andrew is a member (and past Chairman) of Audlem District History Society.
Lord Combermere was born in 1773 and christened Stapleton Cotton. He enjoyed a distinguished military career, was much decorated and in 1855 gained the rank of Field Marshal. The family lived at Combermere Abbey, near Nantwich.
Last Wednesday's talk was entitled The Victor of Bhurtpore covering his years in the West Indies and in India.
The final talk in the series will be on Wednesday 5th May: A Country Gentleman and his Legacy. Find out about the final chapter of his life between 1830 and 1865, and his legacy.
The talk starts at 3.00pm on Wednesday and will take place in the Joseph Heler Room (upstairs) at Nantwich Museum.
Tickets are available at £2 (£1 Members). Telephone: 01270 627104. Further details on the museum are on the museum's website. Click under the photo.
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