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Sweet success with the NSPCC

14th October 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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The winner of the local NSPCC branch's Confectionery Quiz is Alyson Ritchie who has only recently moved here. What a way to welcome her to the village! For correctly answering all 40 questions on the quiz sheet she won a box of Thornton's chocolates. In all nearly 200 people entered the quiz at £1 a go, so a big thankyou to everyone who took part.

Your next opportunity to support the local branch's fundraising efforts is to buy a ticket for the quiz night which is being run on Friday 24th October in the Public Hall. The quiz is for teams of 4. Doors open at 7.30 for an 8.00 pm start and the quizmaster will be the famous TV presenter Nick Hancock. Tickets cost £20 each and are available from committee members or by telephoning Rose on 01270 811747. The price includes a two-course meal (a choice of chicken or salmon followed by apple pie) and there will also be a raffle and bar. The last time Nick Hancock came he was extremely entertaining and a great evening was had by all – so book early to be sure you get a ticket.

Finally, the last opportunity before Christmas to support local fundraising efforts will be at the coffee morning to be held at the Scout & Guide Hall on Saturday 1st November from 10 am to 12 noon. On offer will be Christmas cards, wrapping paper and stationery, cakes and produce, a tombola, jewellery etc etc and, of course, coffee and tea. Do go along and see what you can pick up towards your Christmas preparations. Christmas isn't that far off!

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