Sporting Superstars!!
Congratulations to all of the children who represented our school in the Crewe and Nantwich Town Sports competition this week. They all performed brilliantly in different running, jumping and throwing events on Monday and Wednesday evening. Their fantastic efforts meant that our school finished in 3rd place in the field events overall which is a fabulous achievement especially as we were competing in the top group of schools this year! We are all really proud of everyone that took part, well done to you all.
Thanks to Mrs Heathcock for organising and training the teams and to all of the family members and staff who cheered the children on during both evenings. It was wonderful to see our school so well represented and supported.
Amethyst class shared a wonderful class assembly with their families and visitors from ABC on Tuesday morning. I was delighted to see their confidence and enthusiasm for everything they have learnt. They even had a special visitor with their class bear 'Rainbow Bear' returning from his adventures beyond school! Well done to Mrs Hayward, Mrs Spooner, Mrs Kay and all of Amethyst class for such a wonderful performance.
We welcomed Pearl class parents and carers into school to share lunch with the class on Tuesday. Mrs Hayward prepared more delicious food and the Mid Days did a super job of looking after everyone. Thanks to everyone who came to join us for this.
Diamond class enjoyed their Forest Schools session on Thursday with Mrs Hathway which included cooking over an open fire. The children created some interesting end results and learnt much from the experience too!
PCSOs Nick and Sharon are visiting us for their half termly lunchtime drop in session today, giving the children an opportunity to ask them questions and talk to them both.
Prayers to Share this week – We give thanks for all of the special experiences and learning we have been able to share together this week.
FASA's 'Thank You Celebration Event' on Tuesday was a great way to celebrate the achievements of FASA and our school community as children showed parents and carers the fantastic set of iPads and programming resources FASA's fundraising has purchased for school this year – whilst sharing cake!
Thank you for the donations for our Tombola stall donated today as part of our non uniform day for the FASA Summer Fair on Thursday 2nd July. Thank you also for all of the raffle tickets
that have been sold already. Please return any remaining tickets to the school office by
Thursday at the latest to be included in the draw.
Plans for the Fair are well underway and the FASA team are planning a host of fabulous fun for
all ages. We are asking for cake donations for our cake stall at the Fair to be sent in on the
morning of the Fair. Thanks once again for your continued support with these events.
ABC Childcare
Thank you from ABC for all of your support with their plans to provide high quality care for 0-2s
as well as 2-11 year olds. ABC are rightly very proud of their 'big family' ethos and happy to be
working closely with the school and the community. If you would like to visit their provision to
see this for yourselves, please do not hesitate in contacting them on 01270 748081 or 07786 985 110.
Parent Forum
Thank you to the parents and carers who attended Tuesday's meeting. It was very productive
with lots of ideas being shared. Minutes from the meeting will be sent out to all families before
the end of term.
Safety at the Beginning and End of the School Day
I would like to stress that children are NOT to walk through the car park at the
beginning and end of school days. The area is too busy and dangerous. If you are
dropping your child off after their classroom doors are closed, please ensure your
child walks up the footpath to the office to be registered.
Skoolsfest 2015 – Saturday 4th July
An overview of this special event has been put onto our school website in the weekly newsletters section. This gives a flavour of the variety of events and activities and entertainment on offer on the day. Our school will be joining our cluster schools to celebrate the arts in our schools through singing, dance, drama and wonderful artwork on display in the Museum. I hope many of you are able to join us for this.
We will be sending out details of new classes for September next week, please look out for
these in your child's bags.
We will be running a 'Move Up' session again this year where all of the children have chance to
work with their teacher/class for next year and find out more about some of the exciting things
they will be doing together. This session will be held on Thursday 9th July.
R Jewit
Ed : Click on the Skoolsfest poster then on the magnifying glass in the top left to see full detail.
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