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Something rather special tonight?

30th December 2014 @ 9:09am – by Webteam
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We keep hearing rumours of something a bit special being planned tonight at The Lord Combermere.

We know it's not the normal Tuesday Night Quiz – that can definitely be dismissed as the weekly quiz only returns on 6th January – but judging by the knowing winks and smiles from those in the know, it might be some rather special music. Maybe including some faces seen regularly on TV recently.

We have heard that whatever it is that's going to happen will happen from about 8.30pm. And we did hear that it will definitely get you in a good mood for the revelries of the following evening, New Year's Eve.

Anyway, it sounds so intriguing that it's probably best to keep it yourself once you've read this – after all, we don't want the pub so rammed that you can't hear yourself drink.

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